Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Latest Real Estate News:
The Latest Real Estate News:
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Swing swing.
Hello people.
Malam ni, kinda blur a bit. I mean, a lot.
Sebab.. Hari ni gatal tdo petang.
Pemalas sgt. Kan dah tak berkat segala.
Pemalas sgt. Kan dah tak berkat segala.
Mood pun swing.
Like seriously, I miss him so terribly.
Blog dah lame tak update. So, terasa nak update. Tapi tulis segala yg tak bermanfaat ni.
Sia-sia nye hidup.
Sia-sia nye hidup.
Ouhh btw, I do get matrics.
Perak Matriculation College.
Perak Matriculation College.
Decided not to go.
**Kalau ade nasihat atau kata2 semangat. Do drop your comments. Bawah ni je.
I'll appreciate them a lot.
I'll appreciate them a lot.
P/s : Please come home. I wanna hold u.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
VALIDATION: A FABLE. /feibl/ ("una fábula")
Where there's a will, there's a way .
Hai hai.
Sehat semuanyaa?
Saya sehat alhamdulillah.
**cehh cehh. Tak penah tanye soalan mcm ni :P
Tak ada isi pun sbnrnye,
Just nak wish..
Goodluck for final exam!
Especially to my darling of course ♥
You are the best,
I know you can do very well for your exam :)
And to everyone yg tgh exam atau yg akan exam,
Do work hard,
Pray a lot.
P/s : Untuk Falikh, kau jangan asyik nak main je. Kesian bini kau!
Pesanan khidmat masyarakat daripada saya yang baik hati. Peace ^^
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Stay beautiful :)
Dear you,
source : tumblr.
(INVESTORS) - Make Money With
(INVESTORS) - Make Money with
Friday, April 22, 2011
Let's combine all the feelings.
Okay, biar saya mula dgn perasaan sedih.
Ptg td, like suddenly, Raja Rizza text me ckp Shafiq Azim dah meninggal dunia.
And I'm like, tak ingat lah sape Shafiq Azim. But then, cuba igt balik.
Yes, memang sedih. Although kitorang mmg tak rapat.
Jarang sekali tegur kat skolah dulu.
But still, kami kawan kan.
Jarang sekali tegur kat skolah dulu.
But still, kami kawan kan.
Mighty sad.
Semua yg membaca, tolong sedekahkan al-fatihah untuk arwah :(
Takziah untuk keluarga arwah.
Perasaan bosan.
**Tak tau bosan ni boleh dianggap sebagai perasaan ke hape. Peduli lah kan.
Hari ni, tak jumpa Liyana Aisyah mmg terasa bosan. Dia snyap, aku pun snyap la -.-
Duduk rumah doing nothing. Okayy tak, aku tgk movie kat Astro Ria.
Ada puas ?
Btw Liyana Aisyah, best jugak idea pegi cycling. dah lame aku tak bawak basikal.
Entah reti bawak lagi ke tak. HEHE.
Tomorrow kita cycling,
pleaseeeee ?
Text me :)
Perasaan geram.
Before merapu kat sini, i blogwalking certain blogs.
TERrajin baca blog seseorang ni. (Rajin gila dia bercerita pasal semua orang)
**aku tak terkecuali.
Untuk seseorang tu kalau terasa lahh kan,
Baek punye cerita lahh kau karang. Dari dulu tak hbis2 nak buat cerita bkn2 pasal aku.
Tak tau cerita sebenar, lepas tu kau nak tibai ikut suka hati kau lah?
Tolong lah. Kau rase semua org peduli kau hilang?
Aku tak. Tak payah nak perasan diri tu hot sgt.
Panas lah kat sini wehh .
Perasaan gembira.
Tgh berapi dgn si blogger di atas, masuk satu text yg buat aku pelik.
Ohh ye, darling saya. Banyaknye kejutan.
Terima kasih :)
Terima kasih juga sbb muncul pada waktu yg tepat ^^
Perasaan hampa.
Just now, Zulhilmi si birthday boy call.
Birthday dia kan, mesti dapat call free punyaa :)
Ptg td pun dia ade call tapi aku tak angkat. Tak perasan lah, sorry.
Call sbb nak ajak celebrate birthday dia kat.. Mcdon la. Mane lagi :D
Tak dapat nak celebrate birthday kau kan.
Tapi mcm mana pun, aku tau kau enjoy hari ni.
Terima kasih sudi luangkan masa membaca entri hodoh ini :)
Terima kasih sudi luangkan masa membaca entri hodoh ini :)
You See, Real Estate Investing
You see, real estate investing
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Congrats ?
Hai anda anda sekalian alam.
Congrats to my darlaa Nur Liyana Aisyah.
Nama glam : Yane aka Yana.
Congrats to my darlaa Nur Liyana Aisyah.
Nama glam : Yane aka Yana.
Berjaya mendapatkan lesen kereta beliau dgn cemerlang :DD
Berjaya mendapatkan lesen kereta beliau dgn cemerlang :DD
Tepuk tangan lahh wehh !
Yang sorang tu genggam tangan mcm nak bg penumbuk tu kenapa? =='
Ahh lantak kau lah.
Hari ni mmg best. Merayau mcm tak igt dunia smpai ke lekir okayy.
Orang tu, lekir tau :P
Rindu anda ;)
P/s : korang2 ni, kalau nak tuka link blogspot, bgtau lahh. Susah aku nak stalk -.-
*merajuk kang!
Dangg -.-
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Love letter part 2 #
Hello readers, hello stalkers .
To shuu,
Hari ni, re-read post yang terdahulu. Sumpah rase mcm tak matured gila.
Post title CRUSHHHHH :D mmg superb. After post tu, segala post selepas itu terserlah mcm org in love.
Sape yg buat saya in love?
*drum please.
Big thx to my darling, Firdaus ^^
*Let the world know.
*Let the world know.
Surat cinta elektronik untuk darling saya :)
Hai sayang.
Terima kasih sudi cakap dgn saya berjam-jam.
(walaupun suara saya mcm ong ong)
Awak buat saya gelak sampai tak boleh nak bernafas.
CPR pleaseee! * nak oksigen atau nak menggatal? * HAHA
CPR pleaseee! * nak oksigen atau nak menggatal? * HAHA
Terima kasih teman saya masa guruh2 kilat2 tu semua malam kelmarin.
Terharu gila gila gila okayy?
Awak mmg superb :)
Well starting this week,
Saya tahuu awak mmg akan busy study for final exam.
Saya tahu! Saya tahu! Awak kan nerd :P
Saya tahu! Saya tahu! Awak kan nerd :P
Tapi.. Saya tak kesah.
Midnite text after 12 pun boleh ^^
No matter what happens, saya tunggu awak ye, sayang?
Midnite text after 12 pun boleh ^^
No matter what happens, saya tunggu awak ye, sayang?
Terima kasih sayang saya.
Saya pun sayang awak sangat ♥
Saya pun sayang awak sangat ♥
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Ranch Homes Real Estates Often
Ranch homes Real Estates often
Monday, April 18, 2011
Debbie Spaulder - Real Estate
Debbie Spaulder - Real Estate
I know it is not in English, but it is worthwhile watching it.
However, doesn't it sound like male chauvinism? Should two men fight for a woman? Shouldn't a woman have a right to choose the man she loves? Romantic values ( I mean, 19th-century moral values) are out of date. 21st-century women should look for something else than a man who can win them in a fight.
However, doesn't it sound like male chauvinism? Should two men fight for a woman? Shouldn't a woman have a right to choose the man she loves? Romantic values ( I mean, 19th-century moral values) are out of date. 21st-century women should look for something else than a man who can win them in a fight.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Ranch Homes Real Estates Often
Ranch homes Real Estates often
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Magic is everywhere, you only have to be able to see it.
A Piece Of Real Estate Can
a piece of real estate can
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Marion Digre - Real Estate
Marion Digre - Real Estate
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
You See The Perfect Home In A
You see the perfect home in a
Gandiva studio: Money , money and money
Gandiva studio: Money , money and money: "MONEY!!!! Dunia memang aneh dan luar biasa lucu...Ada orang kaya... duitnya ga abis abis... beli barang barang gadget gak penting penting b..."
It is sometimes very difficult to know how to pronounce the "-ed" suffix.
If you want to learn more, click here.
Money , money and money
Dunia memang aneh dan luar biasa lucu...
Ada orang kaya... duitnya ga abis abis... beli barang barang gadget gak penting penting bgt... tapi dibeli karena alasan " BARUUU LOHHH dan gua suka! "
The Big problemnya beliau adalah... gimana caranya saat beli barang yg dia mau, sang ortu gak marah, atau minta tolong meyakinkan dia supaya dia yakin saat memilih barang dia ga salah pilih.... OOO MY GOD... TRUST ME... ITS A BIG PROBLEM FOR HIM or HER.... hahaha mau ketawa sbenernya, tapi ya +_+ itu masalah berat buat dia. yaa secara positif thinking... gw bisa bilang... smua orang di level masing masing punya masalah yg berat ... misalkan... kalau tukang sampah saat beberes sampah ketemu daging busuk yaaa paling bilang " ck... bau amat " itu pun dalam hati... coba kalau PENGUSAHA BESAR... ketemu BUAAUUUU BUSUUKKKK bakal bilang apa??? " SETAN!!!! EHH PANGGIL PEMBANTU... TOLOL BANGET INI... TOLOLLLL!!!! BAUNYA KAYA BAU SETAN GINI....bla bla bla bla.... ( skitar 2 harian lah )" jadi yah +_+ mebi memang bagi beliau memang berat kali masalahnya... ( ya anggap saja begitu )
ADA juga anak dari orang yang bukan susah bgt sih... cuma yaaa agak kurang lah... kurang berhasillah orang tuanya ... jadi... rumah dan lain lainnya mungkin hasil dari warisan lah... jadinya ya uda dikasih modal ini itu... masih tetep kurang. kasi rumah.... maksa pula... alhasil beberapa tahun kemudian rumahnya pun BUERANTAKANNN ABIS ABISAN... GA KEURUS...yg rusak ga diganti dibiarinin makin rusak... dikit dikit ujungnya PINJEM duit deh sama kluarga yg lebih berada atau setidaknya keluarga yang BISA DIPAKSA buat minjemin duit... alhasil !!!!!!!!
SANG ANAKKKK!!!! masi SD atau SMP gitu yang harusnyaa punya cita cita lebay atau berlebihan seperti " NANTI AKUU MAUU BELIIII PESAWATTTTT HUAHAHAHA" malah sebaliknya... KAGET dan ga percaya kalau anak anak muda yg umurnya dibawah bapak maknyaa dan paman bibinya ada yang bisa dan mampu untuk membeli hal hal sperti handphone, laptop, jalan jalan keluar negeri, motor, mobil.... karena dia taunya cuma semua dikasih sama orang tua atau dikasih sama orang yg kaya... bener bener ga ada imajinasi yg dikepalanya untuk bisa mendapatkan semua hal didunia dengan tangan dan kerjanya sendiri... +_+ bener bener NO COmment deh apa yg diajarin sama orang tuanya +_+lll. hais mau jadi apa dia nanti... mau jadi benalu sampe brapa turunan coba +__+
dannnn TRAKHIR...
Ada pula kaum yg bisa dibilang agak dibawah.... LEvel yang mungkin bisa dibilang agak bawah...
yang ini sih no comment total. cuma bisa bilang... smoga saya atau yang lain apabila ada rejeki berlebih bisa bantulah kaum sperti mereka. karena bisa dibilang mereka susah atau jadi seperti ini karena memang bukan pilihan tapi kebetulan terlahir di kluarga dan area area seperti itu.
Dari punya orang tua SUSAH... kecilnya busung lapar... untungnya ya idup... uda gede... sekolah iya iya kagak... baru dapet buku bekas dari tong sampah... besoknya diloak tuker sama beras segelas.... alhasil ya ga skolah ... jadinya ya agak uun +_+lll, mau kerja apa klo uda jadi uun, alhasil ya kejahatan dijalani atau meminta minta... uda dewasa nikah... ya mau ga mau ya pastinya sama kluarga yang kurang lebih sama... atau dikawinin sama orang yang dianggap lumayan sukur sukur ga dijual ato jadi tukang palak setempat. JGN NGAREP TIBA TIBA kawin sama artis atau sama orang kaya yang sangat terpesona dengan dirimu yang cantik atau tampan dan tak terpengaruh karena uangnya KAYA FTV di beberapa stasiun televisi yah ga usah lah sebut nama stasiun tvnya biar ga ada yg tersinggung... jadi ga perlu kita sebutlah kalau stasiun televisinya itu S*TV... JADI!!!! JANGAN HARAP SKALI LAGI DIULANG JANGAN HARAP! tapi klo ada kejadian... SLAMAT YAAA saya mewakili segenap kru yang ga ada SLAMAATTT anda beruntuuung....
dan tiba tiba dengan kondisi ekonomi buruk... akhirnya sang suami atau istri mencuri di mini market ketangkep dan dipukuli masa +_+lll hais turut berduka... dan dont try this at home atau minimarket setempat. haissshhh... lalu beberapa tahun setelah kluar dari penjara ( scara pengalaman yang ada kayanya sih mencuri barang bisa skitar 2 taonan (makanya nyolongnya miliaran biar bisa nyuap skalian ) ) congratssss PUNYA BABY... waahh lucuu yaa.. slamat slamattt tetangga memberi selamat... ga ada yg kasih kado scara tetangga ya orang ga punya. ente kira rumahnya di simprug or pondok indah atau puri gituh?!!! aaaaaaa!!! masalah bertambah dan mulai lagi... mau coba nyolong susu kali ini??? harusnya sih kaga lah ya soalnya baru kluar penjara gara gara nyolong gula atau beras... eeee apa mau dikata beneran aja... nyolong lagi susu... kurang pendidikann bikin runyam... jurus yg sama dipake... YAAA KETAUAN LAGI...akhirnyaaaa sang anak punya titel ANAK ORANG SUSAH + NARAPIDANA horeeeee lengkap.yasudalah kita maju beberapa bulan kedepan ... apa mau dikata... lahirnya pake bidan stempat yang ngakunya pernah bantu lahiran disana... apa mau dikata... baru ketauan... +_+ ya tuhan bantulah mereka kali ini..... sang baby ternyata down syndrome +_+ matilah ... ini namanya jatuh dan ketimpa WTC dan menara kembarrrrr . dan berlanjut makin ga jelas lah keluarga naas ini.. APA SALAH MEREKA??? mmm kayanya sih cuma bermula dari lahir di tempat yang salah aja kayanya... coba mereka lahir di rumah pemilik PT APAAAA GITUH... pasti kan dapetnya suami ganteng or istri cuantik dan kayaaaaa rayaaaaa... yah apa mau dikata... nasi sudah menjadi bubur.. sukur pula masih ada nasi... jadi gimana yah...
+_+ yah itulah dunia yang kita kenal... adaaa yang kaya ga karuan... ada yang nyusain dan jadi mahluk nyusahin orang... dannn ada pula yang susahnya gak ketolong... sisanya yaa mungkin di tengah tengah lah...dan tetep ada yg beruntung dan tdak... haha.. yaa ga bisa apa apa juga gw...
cuma bisa nelen ludah aja... ya smoga smua nya hepi yah... yg berlebih bantu dong yg susah... yg susah ya blajar dan tau diri jgn nyusain orang... dan yg paling susah +_+ mmmm mendekatkan diri pada tuhan aja deh dan mencoba berusaha yang terbaik...
tetep semangat dan POSITIVE THINKING
by: DezBaba
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Am A Full Time Real Estate
am a full time real estate
Monday, April 11, 2011
Our Solar Real Estate Sign
Our solar real estate sign
Do you think that money is important? Do you think that money makes the world go around? Or are there other things which are much more important than it for you? What makes your world go around? I'm looking forward to your comments.
Meanwhile, how much do you know about the history of money?Try this quiz and find out some interesting facts about it.
And then watch this video. I'm sure you'll like it.
The Milford Real Estate Scene:
The Milford Real Estate Scene:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I don't know why, I feel like wanted to share this :)
Hi, Mommy. I’m your baby. You don’t know me yet, I’m only a few
weeks old. You’re going to find out about me soon, though, I promise.
weeks old. You’re going to find out about me soon, though, I promise.
Let me tell you some things about me. My name is John, and I’ve got
beautiful brown eyes and black hair. Well, I don’t have it yet, but I
will when I’m born. I’m going to be your only child, and you’ll call me
your one and only. I’m going to grow up without a daddy mostly, but we have each other. We’ll help each other, and love each other. I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
You found out about me today, Mommy! You were so excited, you couldn’t wait to tell everyone. All you could do all day was smile, and life was perfect. You have a beautiful smile, Mommy. It will be the first face I will see in my life, and it will be the best thing I see in my life. I know it already.
Today was the day you told Daddy. You were so excited to tell him about me! …He wasn’t happy, Mommy. He kind of got angry. I don’t think that you noticed, but he did. He started to talk about something called wedlock, and money, and bills, and stuff I don’t think I understand yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay. Then he did something scary, Mommy. He hit you. I could feel you fall backward, and your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay… but I was very sad for you. You were crying then, Mommy. That’s a sound I don’t like. It doesn’t make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after, and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I’m not sure if I do. It wasn’t right. You say he loves you… why would he hurt you? I don’t like it, Mommy.
Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and
you’re so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes,and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I’m happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.
I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love you, Mommy.
Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting funny and he wasn’t talking right. He said he didn’t want you. I don’t know why, but that’s what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry, Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won’t let you get hurt! I promise to protect you. Daddy is bad. I don’t care if you think that he is a good person, I think he’s bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn’t want us. He doesn’t like me. Why doesn’t he like me, Mommy?
You didn’t talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?
It’s been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven’t talked to me or touched me or anything since that. Don’t you still love me, Mommy? I still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don’t you do that when you’re awake, any more?
I’m 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren’t you proud of me? We’re going
somewhere today, and it’s somewhere new. I’m excited. It looks like a
hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you’re as excited as I am. I can’t wait.
…Mommy, I’m getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don’t
know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think
something’s going to happen soon. I’m really, really, really scared,
Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love
Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!
Don’t worry Mommy, I’m safe. I’m in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it’s called an abortion.
Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don’t you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I’m really, really, really sorry if I did something
wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don’t you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn’t I love you enough? Please say you’ll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don’t want to be here, I want you to love me again! I’m really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!
I love you, Mommy.
Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
I’m 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren’t you proud of me? We’re going
somewhere today, and it’s somewhere new. I’m excited. It looks like a
hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you’re as excited as I am. I can’t wait.
…Mommy, I’m getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don’t
know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think
something’s going to happen soon. I’m really, really, really scared,
Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love
Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!
Don’t worry Mommy, I’m safe. I’m in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it’s called an abortion.
Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don’t you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I’m really, really, really sorry if I did something
wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don’t you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn’t I love you enough? Please say you’ll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don’t want to be here, I want you to love me again! I’m really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!
I love you, Mommy.
Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
source :
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tak awesome okay.
Know that the pain will pass and when it passes, you will become stronger, happier, more sensitive and aware.
Weekends : damn bored.
Save me.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
This video is dedicated to all my students of the 2nd year of BAC .
All of us are afraid of a blank page. I suppose this is how all of us feel when we face a blank page. What do you think? I'm looking forward to your comments!!!!
All of us are afraid of a blank page. I suppose this is how all of us feel when we face a blank page. What do you think? I'm looking forward to your comments!!!!
Unhappy Real Estate Agents
Unhappy Real Estate Agents
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
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