Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Daring Darling Picnic :)

Dear darling,
Sedih kan, nak prank saya tak jadi. HAHA

Terima kasih sudi luangkan masa berkelah dengan saya.
Terima kasih sanggup bangun awal pagi redah segala sejuk.
Terima kasih sanggup makan biskut saya yang hangit -.-
Terima kasih makan roti planta kurang manis yang saya buat -.-
Terima kasih bagi saya bawak motorbot.
Terima kasih sbb extend masa tgk laut.
Terima kasih cakap saya tak gemuk.
Terima kasih cakap saya cantik.
Terima kasih buat saya gembira.
Terima kasih sbb sayang saya.
Saya sayang awak juga :)

I'm gonna miss you so badly.
Terima kasih rindu saya :(

P/s : Liyana Aisyah, terima kasih banyak banyak.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It is a song and it just looks like a video game. It seems to be set in a spaceship in a near future. Do you like it? I do.
Dido is said to have written this song after she was left by her fiancé. He is thought to have cheated on her with another woman.(???)

(my spitting image= cuspido a min, igualito que yo.)

And here you have the lyrics:

And if you still do not understand, watch this other video subtitled in Spanish. (This is the unplugged version.)

The Least Expensive Sold Home

The least expensive sold home
The least expensive sold home

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

For Now We

For now we
For now we


This morning I was watching the news and I learnt that 22 women have been killed by their partners or ex-partners in Spain this year. Only last weekend 3 women were killed.
Then I started to think about that. In fact, it is a problem that has been with us for a long time but somehow we have turned our backs on it. And then I realised that it was the right time to do something... I don't know what... I don't know how... But there has to be a way... What do you think?
Watch this video and think about it.

Isn't it sad?


Today we celebrated the Day of Europe at school, dedicated to one European country. This year Ireland was in the spotlight, so the ESO students elaborated beautiful posters, which can be seen in the corridors of the school. Besides, the students of the 1st year of Bac. introduced us to some very interesting facts about the Emerald Island, its culture, natural landscapes, sport, people and history, and we could enjoy this video about Irish dancing by Riverdance.


(If you click the box CC below the video, you can watch it subtitled in English. But be careful because there are some mistakes, as it does not recognize all the words.)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Billings Montana Real Estate

Billings Montana Real Estate
Billings Montana Real Estate

tak bagi tahu pun kan,

*jeng jeng jeng!

*klik untuk ZOOM :)

So far, mmg rase tak ready nak masuk U.
As rase mcm belum cukup matured nak masuk U.
**perasan muda. HAHA

Just tolong doakan yg terbaek lahh.
Berdasarkan gambar di atas, 21May dah kene daftar.
Like SERIOUSLY, aku tak ready ape2 lg.
Nervous pun entah la.
Tak la nervous sgt pun kut.
Rase pelik, laen macam, pikir negatif gila, mmg banyak la.
gila kan, 

Best of luck untuk teman2 semua,
Yakin pada diri sendiri :)

*nasihat org pandai, diri sendiri entah kemana -.-

P/s : Kepada sesiapa yg dapat further studies around KL or Selangor, sumpah aku jeles gaban okayy.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Real Estate Broker Won't

real estate broker won't
real estate broker won't

Wallahhhhh ;)

Statement :
Sumpah sangat terharu ramai org baca blog busuk ni.
**eleh, aku bajet aku artis. HAHA

Weekends ni, aku :
Berpicnic sakan. Like seriously, awesome nak mampussss! 
Okay, jgn mampus -.-

Saturday :
Reunion Bainunians batch 0610.
Teluk Batik :)

 Jumpa kawan2 lama. Mula2 tu, mcm malu2 kucing.
Nak tegur pun teragak2.
*standart la awal2 pura2 baek kan, :)
 HAHA. terserlah kehipokritan.

Also meet, teman baru.
Johan Zahari si blogger handal juga.
Dasar Justin Bieber Malaysia lah kan, nak bukti?

**HOT kan? PANAS ada lahh. Silau lah derr -.- HAHA
Check him out :

Sunday :
Private reunion Conswans.
weeweet. Private ^^
Same place ; Teluk Batik :)

Luahan hati :
**Setelah sekian lama aku tak jejak laut, (asyik duduk tepi pantai je), hari ni aku memaksa diri untuk terjun juga. And its like, WOW! COOL GILA AIR LAUT NI! HAHA
And for the first time naek banana boat, mmg awesome gila lahh wehh ^^

P/s : Big thanks to everyone. I had such a wonderful time with all of u :')

Happy Mother's Day, mak

Friday, May 6, 2011

FD rolling spike :)

Biscuits :)
**GEDABAK kan? Plus, ada spike atas dia.
Mcm rambut si Didos :)

Tuna roll :)

Hari ni kan dah boleh semak IPTA.
Alhamdulillah diberi peluang.
**aicehh! Ayat tak boleh poyo lg? -.-

*klik untuk tumbesaran.

Congrats untuk semua yg berjaya.
Yang tak berjaya, no worries.
Mesti ada peluang yg lain utk korang.

*Semua org ada keistimewaan tersendiri kan?

By Jim Reed

By Jim Reed
By Jim Reed

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Baking an elephant.

Hai stalker sayang :)

These few days, ramai pulak yg tegur ni tak di-update.
Well, chill lah bradaa. Admin pemalas -.-
(Ada sape2 nak volunteer jd second admin?)

**tak sangka pulak ramai yg rajin tinjau :o
Buat saya terharu dan terliur.
Okay, terliur itu sangatlah dusta kan kan,

So today, nak bangga riak takbur sekejap.
muehehe :D

Saya Fatin Nursyahira dengan riang hati dah penuh perasaan,
telah berjaya membuat biskut yg sedap dan sangat yummy. Awhhh my favourite! :D
**tak tau ape nama biskut tu. HAHA

BTW, saya buat dengan bantuan Nur Liyana Aisyah yg pakar :)

Jugaa, telah belajar buat tuna roll. Yummy jugak ^^

**gambar akan di post kemudian, mungkin.

Real Estate And Money #5

Real Estate and Money #5
Real Estate and Money #5

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Listen to this song by The Corrs. I hope you enjoy yourselves. (Puri, this is for you.)

Of Real Estate And Money

of Real Estate and Money
of Real Estate and Money

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Do you think you make mistakes? Click here to listen to two people talking about that issue and find out the common mistakes people make in all languages. And then do a test to check if you have understood correctly.


Real Estate And Money #2

Real Estate and Money #2
Real Estate and Money #2

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Money From Real Estate.

money from real estate.
money from real estate.

Labour's day (!)

Selamat Hari Pekerja Sedunia :)

Best best best kan, dapat cuti sampai Isnin.
Hee :D

**aku excited lebih, mcm aku bekerja je.
Dasar over excited -.-

Somehow, tolong happy untuk org laen jugak kut ^^

For the whole petang,
I pergi merayau dgn my BFFs,
Yana and Ekin.

It was freakin awesome :)

Si comel Ekin.
Dan, Si comel Yana.

**Saya tak comel, jadi tiada dlm gambar. Gelak sikit. HAHA

kbye :)

Real Estate Classified Ad

real estate classified ad
real estate classified ad