Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 is about to end (!)

Mohamad Firdaus Bin Nasrudin,
Thx sbb sanggup berkorban balik sini kononnye nak celebrate tahun baru sama2.
*kononnye :P HAHA
And, thx for giving me a super duper sweet memory on the last day year 2010 :))
You are such a wonderful person 

Nur Liyana Aisyah,
Thx for being such a superb bestfriend.
Thx for helping me a lot on silly2 things =='
*skrg dahh pndai sket kut :))

Nur Hamizah,
Thx for everything.
Jadi transport esp.
*slalu susahkan anda :P
maaaaaaf -.-

Hugs and kisses.

Fidos Didos,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Appreciate you,

 Hai everyone.
Kali ni, seriously tak tau nak story ape.
pikir.. pikir..

Ouhh okayy. Last nite, sumpah terasa hebat apabila...

Malaysia menang dgn Indon wehhh! Tak kesah la kau maen laser ke, torchlight ke, spotlight ke, baru thrill derr ==' FAKTA : Malaysia mmg hebat punn ^^

And I'm always extra double triple fourple bla..bla..bla.. *touched apabila...
Bercakap dgn sorang manusia ni.  Bukan bercakap la. Text je -.-
Apa yg buat aku touched gilaaaaa dgn manusia ni,
  1. Dye sudi nak bertext dgn aku yg ntah apa2 dan agak psyco wktu malam walaupun dye penat spnjang hari.
  2. Dye jawab soalan yg aku sengaja ulang byk kali yg selalunye org laen takkn jawab. Tp, dye jawab jugaa walaupun agak fed up kut. Dah mcm iklan si anak dan si bapak "Burung apa? burung murai.. Burung ape? Burung murai..." *menangis terharu*
  3. Dye tak kesah dgn perangai aku yg gedik dan mengade nak mampusss -.-
  4. Dye percaya aku sepenuh hati which is, jarang ade manusia yg mngaku percaya aku yg sengal ni :')
  5. Dye sukaa b'ckp bahasa laen dgn aku. *walaupun 1 ayat je* yg sbnarnye aku juga sukaaa 

Sunday, December 26, 2010


'Twas the night of Christmas, when all through the house
Not a KITTY was PURRING, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that MR. KITTY will soon come to take care;

MERRY CHRISTMAS MERRY know that, thats not how the "Night before Christmas," story goes...but hey I wanted to put a quick KITTY-TWIST on it..LOL anyway...this CHRISTMAS is the most beautiful part of the year...and the best parts about it is..spending time with your closest FRIENDS and FAMILY..and also it's the season of GIVING...well I say FUDGE THAT and give me my GIFTS!!! lol lol joking.."I KID" I KID...but I truly had an awesome xmas this year, along with me DOING A LOT OF BIG SPENDING, I also received a ton of great gifts...So take a look at my Very Merry Kitty XMAS...Enjoy XOXO Pari


Cerita tak penting.

Hello :')

Kali ni na tulis blog dari tepi plak. HAHA. *penting ke? Todayy, merayau lg. With best buddies of coz. Tempat pertama, McD. (again) n mcflurry again. *ohh rindunye org tuu ==' Dahh dahh. Tak pyh nak jiwang2. Then, memandangkan kuar pkul 12, time for lunch! Without planning, teluk batik! (alamak, ramainye org) Pastu nak kuar pnye la jammed kat situ. *bukan pilihan yg bijak* -.-

Tukar fikiran, carik lunch kat lumut plak. Juga jammed. Juga bkn pilihan yg bijak -.- move. move. move. Horizon Garden jelahh. Dijamin tak jammed. And we had our great lunch there until FULL! (lauk tak abis plak tuu) *kenyang mkn fries mcd.

After lunch, rumah Yana.. tidur.. ZzzZZzzZzz

Fon bunyi *lagu favourite girl-JB* :

"Akak, kau kat mane? Ayah suruh balik. Nak pegi pasar malam. Nak aku ambik?"
Dlm keadaan mamai, "yes, please."

Berpasar malam lahh aku pastu :)

Habis cerita. Malam ni, BOLAAAAAAAA!


P/s : Aku sebagai reporter si didos :))

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Hello my dear WORLD :))

Hari ni, baru la dunia ni indah sbb baru nak ade mood utk merayau -.-
semalam, 12jam tdo.
Sampai pkul 5pagi baru terasa ngantuk.
Dahsyat :')
*kenapakahh? frust kut =='
Hari ni, mekdon :))
Saya pegi mcd order bnde2 yg boleh buat saya igt anda je.
*mcflurry, quarter pounder
Anda takde dgn saya lahh -.-
Uhh, rindu sebenarnye.
Ohh btw, aku pegi kenduri hari ni.
Best tengok org tu kawin bawah pedang.
MAKKKKK! nak kawin bawah pedang jugakkk!
*gatal ^^

Makcik miza a.k.a BADANG :))

Thx bwk jalan2.
Walaupun kau lewat sejam.
*buat hilang mood je*
Tp, takpe.
Dimaafkan :P
Kau kn "baek" walaupun suke ckp mcm keling -.-
Bhahahahhahaha :DD

P/s : Followers aku semakin bertambah. HAHA. Merry X-Mas everyone :))

Rindu kau, Santa :(

Thursday, December 23, 2010

OPI Shim-Merry Chic

Hello all!  I'm currently in NY visiting family for the holidays, but since we have a bit of down time, I thought I would post a polish I wore recently (if you consider Thanksgiving recently). 

Shim-Merry Chic was released last year as part of OPI Holiday Wishes collection (and therefore I'm not sure if it's still available anywhere).  It's a brown with bronze/gold shimmer plus FLAKIES!.  I love this because it's not like anything else I have.  I wore it this year over Thanksgiving...I thought it was the perfect fall color.  My only complaint was the dry time was TERRIBLE.  I put it on at 4pm on a Sunday, and woke up the next morning with sheet marks!  I haven't had that problem in quite some time.

I have some pictures on my memory card that I'll try and post here and there while we're home, but as you know, family comes first, so I'm not going to promise anything.  :-)

I want to wish all of my readers a Happy Holiday!!!  Thanks for visiting here and reading my ramblings and looking at my mediocre pictures...I appreciate each and every one of you!

See you soon!!!!  :-)

Itu diaaaaaa ^^

Dipersilakan baca, wahai stalker :))

Post kali ni khas ditujukan untuk...

Muhammad Syahmi Adli Bin Muhamad Saad.
This is my superb lil bro.
Kalau dahh jmpe dye ni, mulut aku ni jd mcm murai tercabut ekor laa.
Sampai pagi butaa pun blum tntu hbis ceritanya ^^

Ehh ehh, terpesong.
Act, aku nak wish CONGRATS kat budak ni as dye b'jaya dpt result yg hebat utk PMR 2010.
*kau lg hebat drpd aku yg $#@^& ni -.-
Takpe, aku gembira bg pihak kau derrr :)

Btw, congrats gak kat adik si stalker. Anda hebat jugaa :)) And, korang2 yg dah amik result la,
Tak payah sedih mane kalau korang rasa result korang tak hebat,
SPM kan ade lg. Be strong adik2! *tibetibe* HAHA

P/s : Heyy stalker! Dari rumah anda, 20 minit baru smpai rumah saya tauu.
Jauh gilaaaaa -.- *sedih
(semangat pegi set gune stopwatch td)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010






Thursday, December 16, 2010

And finally...China Glaze 'Tis the Season to be Naughty or Nice part IV!!!

Sorry it's taken me so long to post this collection!  Here are the links to parts I, II, and III if you haven't seen them!

Midnight Kiss

Midnight Kiss is a gold foil that reminds me of Orly Luxe.  I've mentioned before that I'm not too big of a gold fan, but I like the way this one looks on me!  I have 3 coats on in these pictures.

Cheers to You

Cheers to You is a gorgeous silver foil.  I have 3 coats on in these pictures.  Reminds me of Orly Shine, although a bit less streaky going on.  I love silver nail polish, so this is a winner for me!


Excuse the dent on my ring finger.  It happened right before I took the pictures.  :(  Frosty is a gorgeous white shimmer.  I have 3 coats on in these images and you can still see some visible nail line, although you really couldn't see it in real life.  I'm a fan though, it's unique...I can't think of any polishes I have like it!


I, admittedly, don't have a lot of  experience with white creme nail polish...but Snow applies so nicely!  This is 3 coats, and it does need it because it's streaky up until this point...the the third coat evens the whole thing out. I know whenever I have worn other whites that they're very hard to get nice like this.

Whew!  This was a big collection for me to swatch!  I have to say though, all in all...I REALLY like Naughty or Nice.  No real big disappointments for me.  I can't wait to put Party Hearty on for Christmas next week!  I'm still trying to decide which to layer it over...any suggestions?

Until next time!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Oh my what have we found HERE??? ... in the RING we have SOMEONE who needs to think about RETIREMENT vs SOMEONE NEW TO THE GAME.....KEYSHIA COLE vs NICKI MINAJ..... I guess when NICKI saw her girl in the "I aint thru" video in which she was featured in, she saw this dress and said...BITCH I'M going to show you how to rock it....and thats exactly what she did on the CHELSEA LATELY show...I just think as usual Keyshia over did it, yes understandable this was for a video but sometimes pushing the envelope isn't the best thing to do.. whats your VERDICT????? PUT YOUR OPINION BELOW IN THE COMMENTS!!! XOXO

****************Sick Kitten ALERT******************

Hey guys, yeah I know its been a MINUTE....but I've taken A LONG hiatus due to a 3week old cough that I've had. It actually started off with a head cold and grew into a Sinus Infections, Viral infection and a PARTIAL strep throat...(i know right).ugh..SO 3 weeks after the entire infection has been here I finally got my sickly butt up and went to the doctors office.....LAWD knows I hate calling off work because as expected THE MONEY IS THE MOTIVE...but hey this kitten HAD TO GET FIXED!!!! so now I'm on two different MEDICATIONS, benzonatate- which is suppose to help eliminate this DREADFUL cough that I have encountered, and AMO-CLAV which is to fight the ENTIRE infection.....So I decided to take a break from my work space (which is a DAMN CLINIC) where more than likely I got this severe cold from....SO wish me luck guys!!! I must get well before XMAS AND NYE!! but let me do a couple postings for you!!! XOXO PURRRRRRRRRRR-RIFIC!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

China Glaze 'Tis the Season to be Naughty or Nice part III

Ok...I FINALLY finished swatching this collection, so I guess it's about time that I post it, right?

Be sure to check out the links to Part I and Part II if you haven't seen them yet.

Sugar Plums

Sugar Plums is one of my favorites from this collection, and no matter what, my pictures don't do it justice.  This is a burgundy shimmer with holo glitter throughout.  You can't see the holo unless you're under bright looks more like silvery glitter in ordinary light.  It can look a bit bubbly/rough without topcoat (which I'm wearing in these just can't tell).  This is the second set of photo's I took, because I didn't wear topcoat in the first set and it looked like I buffed with sand paper, although the lighting and colors were better...I just can't win!  This is 3 coats, btw.

Peace on Earth

Ok...excuse me a minute while I toot my own horn and say, I think these images look pretty good!  :)
Peace on Earth is an olive green color with gold shimmer...bordering on a frost.  It is very pretty, and looked better on me than I thought it would.  This is 3 coats.

Little Drummer Boy kind of color.  Little Drummer Boy is a deep navy blue shimmer.  It's not one of those so-dark-it-looks-black blues...Very deep and rich, and the pigmentation is fantastic!  This is 2 coats!  I usually can never get away with that!
Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells is an antique-gold foil.  I'm not sure I like this color on's pretty, but not me.  I have 3 coats on in these images.

Only 4 to go!  Stay tuned...I'll get that up in the next day or two.  :)