Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. First K got a cold that wiped him out, and then I caught the same cold. It's amazing how something little like a cold can just drain you. I got a sub for today and I'm just going to stay home, lay on my couch, and catch up with General Hospital and Dancing With the Stars. I hope to be back to my regularly scheduled programming here soon...I still have lots of polishes to swatch and post!
Thanks for sticking with me!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Openhouses? Love!
Serangan pertama,
Rumah MOCCA.
Meriah tak leh describe.
But really enjoyed myself there.
Mkn byk2. Tak nak ckp mknn ape, nnti korang jeles je ^^
Meet Teyn, Mel, Farah, Illiya, Jieha, Mimi, budak F1, and lelaki2 dikenali.
*tak sempat jumpa zulhilmi and the gang. Act, teringin nak jmpe si Aly Alwan. HAHA
Serangan kedua.
Rumah Yumyum!
Mula2 smpai, "ishh! ramainye laki"
Last2 duk luar je smpai diajak masuk.
Masuk dlm, OUHHHHH! jumpe Duz buat pertama kali.
Budak tu demam.
So, diam memanjang. Ishh! *kesian*
Borak borak ..
(Yum first time jumpe yana.)
Kimo : Yum, perkenalkan la diri kat yana. Contoh, "saya Qayyum, awak?" haaa.. mcm tulahh
Yum : Ishh! taknak aku. Kau igt 'Ice Breaker' ke apee?
Kimo : Ice breaker????
Illiya : Ice breaker????
Ummi : Ice breaker????
Yana : *pandang Kimo dgn wajah tertanya2*
Kimo : Yum, 'ICE BREAKING' lahhh!
Yum : Ehh! Haah! 'Ice breaking'. Silap2 *sambil tersipu sipu*
*gelak besar utk yum! HAHAHHAHAHA*
I'm supertired. Bye.
Rumah MOCCA.
Meriah tak leh describe.
But really enjoyed myself there.
Mkn byk2. Tak nak ckp mknn ape, nnti korang jeles je ^^
Meet Teyn, Mel, Farah, Illiya, Jieha, Mimi, budak F1, and lelaki2 dikenali.
*tak sempat jumpa zulhilmi and the gang. Act, teringin nak jmpe si Aly Alwan. HAHA
Serangan kedua.
Rumah Yumyum!
Mula2 smpai, "ishh! ramainye laki"
Last2 duk luar je smpai diajak masuk.
Masuk dlm, OUHHHHH! jumpe Duz buat pertama kali.
Budak tu demam.
So, diam memanjang. Ishh! *kesian*
Borak borak ..
(Yum first time jumpe yana.)
Kimo : Yum, perkenalkan la diri kat yana. Contoh, "saya Qayyum, awak?" haaa.. mcm tulahh
Yum : Ishh! taknak aku. Kau igt 'Ice Breaker' ke apee?
Kimo : Ice breaker????
Illiya : Ice breaker????
Ummi : Ice breaker????
Yana : *pandang Kimo dgn wajah tertanya2*
Kimo : Yum, 'ICE BREAKING' lahhh!
Yum : Ehh! Haah! 'Ice breaking'. Silap2 *sambil tersipu sipu*
*gelak besar utk yum! HAHAHHAHAHA*
I'm supertired. Bye.
Malam ni, HOMEWORK ! |
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Zoya Ivanka
I didn't get the chance to post yesterday. I've been so busy this week between school and a Scentsy party I was supposed to do today. But the hostess called me last night and cancelled. I was a bit bummed about that I just didn't feel like doing much of anything.
I was looking through my pictures and found these images of Zoya Ivanka that I took over the summer. I have NO idea why I never posted them on here.
I have 3 coats on in these images. Ivanka is a green glittery shimmer with flecks of gold. You can see the gold sparkling here and there in the above image. At certain angles you can see a bit of blue duochrome, but I didn't seem to capture it very well. But the best part? It's green!!!! What is it about green nail polish that gets so many of us excited? :)
You can tell this is older, my nails are longer. Anyways...Ivanka was released this past summer with Charla in the Sparkle collection.
I was looking through my pictures and found these images of Zoya Ivanka that I took over the summer. I have NO idea why I never posted them on here.
I have 3 coats on in these images. Ivanka is a green glittery shimmer with flecks of gold. You can see the gold sparkling here and there in the above image. At certain angles you can see a bit of blue duochrome, but I didn't seem to capture it very well. But the best part? It's green!!!! What is it about green nail polish that gets so many of us excited? :)
You can tell this is older, my nails are longer. Anyways...Ivanka was released this past summer with Charla in the Sparkle collection.
Spring.. spring.. spring..
Kenapa la korang buat tema yg susah2x utk dinner nehh?
Dahh beli dress.
Tp, aku rase buruk.
Tp, ayah yg pilih.
Tp, aku nmpk gemuk pkai dress tuuuuuuuuuu :'(
mcm mane ni?
Kenapa la korang buat tema yg susah2x utk dinner nehh?
Dahh beli dress.
Tp, aku rase buruk.
Tp, ayah yg pilih.
Tp, aku nmpk gemuk pkai dress tuuuuuuuuuu :'(
mcm mane ni?
Gambar terjumpa. Comelnye korang!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Mbak Ranee Asyangar ke Pasar
Sambil menenteng tas belanja plastik terbuat dari bekas karung beras, mbak Ranee berpamitan pada Bu Asyangar, istri pak Asyangar yang senior.” Mbak…aku ke pasar dulu yaa…mau di oleh2in apa…?”.
Bu Asyangar yang sedang menyapu kamar tidur berseru…” Apa aja dik…tapi kalo ada Lopis aku mau…”.
Balas mbak Ranee “ iya mbak..nanti aku bawa’in deh..udah ya mbak…ati2 di rumah….”. “He-eh dik..kamu juga ati2 dijalan….” Demikian balas Bu Asyangar sambil menutup pintu kamar tidur.
“Pasar Sodrun” , merupakan pasar induk di Kecamatan tempat mbak Ranee tinggal serumah dengan keluarga Pak Asyangar …… dengan menyandang status sebagai istri kedua Pak Asyangar.
Pasar itu termasuk besar dan luas dengan los-los yang tertata rapi. Kalau pembeli masuk dari pintu utama maka akan langsung berhadapan dengan los penjual buah, kemudian los penjual pakaian dan perlengkapannya, makin kedalam akan menemukan los bahan2 sembako, kemudian daging dan makanan pokok lainnya, sedangkan sayur-sayuran terletak agak kebelakang, karena berdekatan dengan pintu masuk samping yang memang lebih besar, tempat keluar masuknya truk2 pengangkut sayur dan sembako.
Ketika mbak Ranee lagi asyik belanja, mendadak punggungnya dicolek seseorang…ibu-ibu dengan menggendong anak berusia sekitar 2 tahun yang kelihatan kurus kurang makan…”. Pagi Bu Lurah…m’borong nih….” demikian celetuknya sambil melirik keranjang belanjaan mbak Ranee…..
Mbak Ranee terkejut…tapi dia spontan tersenyum dan membalas salam dari ibu2 itu…” Pagi juga mbak...Ahh.ini…cuma belanja biasa…mau masak oseng-oseng kangkung kesenangan Bapak kok…” .
Kemudian…. ibu tadi pamit berlalu sambil berkata “ Iya Bu…selamat belanja aja.…salam buat buat Bapak dan Ibu Lurah sepuh yaa….”. Mbak Ranee membalas…” Iya makasih mbak…ehh...tunggu dulu…ini ada lopis buat puteranya…mau yaa…” Mbak Ranee secara spontan menyerahkan bungkusan daun pisang berisi lopis kepada anak itu yang menyambut dengan uluran kedua tangan dan air liur menetes….” Wah…makasih Bu Lurah…malah jadi merepotkan…”. Ucap ibu si anak dengan nada senang.
“Ahh nggak apa-apa Bu…terima saja…ini cuman Lopis kok…anaknya pasti suka …”.
Setelah ibu dan anak kecil tadi berlalu, mbak Ranee kemudian melangkah menuju ke Los sembako….
Mbak Ranee merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh…beda…..pagi ini…Ibu anak kecil tadi memanggilnya dengan sebutan “Bu Lurah”…suatu panggilan yang sebenarnya tidak pernah dia bayangkan seumur hidupnya….Sebagai perempuan miskin dan bodoh…………………….yang kebetulan saja dikaruniai wajah ayu …………..dan di jadikan istri kedua oleh Pak Asyangar…….pak Lurah nya …..yang ganteng berkumis itu.
Berarti….kalau begitu…sudah ada pengakuan dari warga setempat..bahwa sekarang status dirinya adalah “Bu Lurah”…Ahh…benar2 sesuatu yang indah….indah sekali didengarkan……. dan dirasakan di bathin mbak Ranee…dia menyunggingkan senyum terus…senang karena mulai ada pengakuan terhadap status sosialnya dimasyarakat.
Tanpa disadari oleh mbak Ranee, penampilannya yang penuh senyum dan ramah di pasar itu…….., apalagi dengan kebaikannya memberikan jajanan Lopis kepada anak kecil menjadi topik pembicaraan yang hangat dipasar itu…….Hampir semua pedagang di pasar terkesan dengan keramahan mbak Ranee.
Pada awalnya mereka memang menganggap bahwa mbak Ranee adalah perempuan jalang, yang hanya pandai menggaet laki-laki dengan berkedok sebagai penjual / pemilik warung kopi. Bahkan ibu-ibu pun saling mencibir dan mendelik …menaruh rasa curiga terhadap mbak Ranee….sebagai perempuan penggaet suami orang. …….Hanya para pemuda dan bapak2 yang tidak ambil pusing dengan kelakuan ibu2….., bagi mereka mbak Ranee tetap perempuan manis dan ramah seperti yang selama ini mereka kenal …..saat dulu mampir ke warung kopi nya.
Setelah selesai berbelanja,mbak Ranee kemudian pulang.
Saat sampai dirumah, ke dua istri pak Asyangar kemudian bareng2 membongkar belanjaan, “Loh…kok Lopis nya nggak ada dik…?” Tanya Bu Asyangar…
“Aduh maaf mbak..tadi udah kubeli, tapi…… ku kasihkan ke anak kecil …anaknya ibu2 warga kita di pasar tadi, kayaknya kelaparan deh…Tapi gantinya kubelikan Klepon mbak…” kata mbak Ranee memelas.
“ Ya udah nggakpapa dik..Klepon juga kan sama dengan Lopis, bahannya dari ketan, kelapa parut, daun pandan sama gula kelapa cair….yaah…nggak beda jauh….sama2 kenyalnya, sama2 enak’nya, cuma bedanya….kalo Klepon bulet-bulet….kayak punya Bapak.. !!…hihihi…..” Tawa nakal bu Asyangar.
“ Och…gitu ya mbaaak..kalo Klepon kayak punya bapak…..lha kalo Lopisnya…? ” Tanya mbak Ranee dengan tampang bego…
” Lopisnya kayak punya’ mu dik….hihihi …!” balas Bu Asyangar sambil ketawa ngikik….
” Haaah..!!...sudah…sudah….,mbak ini loh…nakal banget siich….sekarang aku tahu maksudnya deh………sebelum dimakan…Klepon enak diemut dulu, kalo Lopis….dijilat gitu kan mbak……….xixixi…auww..! ……..jerit lirih mbak Ranee.
Bu Asyangar : “Aih…aiih….makin pinter aja kamu dik….nunggu bentar lagi deeeh…. Bapak pulang…..hehe.
PS : posting ini di beri label “BO”…… 18+
Bu Asyangar yang sedang menyapu kamar tidur berseru…” Apa aja dik…tapi kalo ada Lopis aku mau…”.
Balas mbak Ranee “ iya mbak..nanti aku bawa’in deh..udah ya mbak…ati2 di rumah….”. “He-eh dik..kamu juga ati2 dijalan….” Demikian balas Bu Asyangar sambil menutup pintu kamar tidur.
“Pasar Sodrun” , merupakan pasar induk di Kecamatan tempat mbak Ranee tinggal serumah dengan keluarga Pak Asyangar …… dengan menyandang status sebagai istri kedua Pak Asyangar.
Pasar itu termasuk besar dan luas dengan los-los yang tertata rapi. Kalau pembeli masuk dari pintu utama maka akan langsung berhadapan dengan los penjual buah, kemudian los penjual pakaian dan perlengkapannya, makin kedalam akan menemukan los bahan2 sembako, kemudian daging dan makanan pokok lainnya, sedangkan sayur-sayuran terletak agak kebelakang, karena berdekatan dengan pintu masuk samping yang memang lebih besar, tempat keluar masuknya truk2 pengangkut sayur dan sembako.
Ketika mbak Ranee lagi asyik belanja, mendadak punggungnya dicolek seseorang…ibu-ibu dengan menggendong anak berusia sekitar 2 tahun yang kelihatan kurus kurang makan…”. Pagi Bu Lurah…m’borong nih….” demikian celetuknya sambil melirik keranjang belanjaan mbak Ranee…..
Mbak Ranee terkejut…tapi dia spontan tersenyum dan membalas salam dari ibu2 itu…” Pagi juga mbak...Ahh.ini…cuma belanja biasa…mau masak oseng-oseng kangkung kesenangan Bapak kok…” .
Kemudian…. ibu tadi pamit berlalu sambil berkata “ Iya Bu…selamat belanja aja.…salam buat buat Bapak dan Ibu Lurah sepuh yaa….”. Mbak Ranee membalas…” Iya makasih mbak…ehh...tunggu dulu…ini ada lopis buat puteranya…mau yaa…” Mbak Ranee secara spontan menyerahkan bungkusan daun pisang berisi lopis kepada anak itu yang menyambut dengan uluran kedua tangan dan air liur menetes….” Wah…makasih Bu Lurah…malah jadi merepotkan…”. Ucap ibu si anak dengan nada senang.
“Ahh nggak apa-apa Bu…terima saja…ini cuman Lopis kok…anaknya pasti suka …”.
Setelah ibu dan anak kecil tadi berlalu, mbak Ranee kemudian melangkah menuju ke Los sembako….
Mbak Ranee merasa ada sesuatu yang aneh…beda…..pagi ini…Ibu anak kecil tadi memanggilnya dengan sebutan “Bu Lurah”…suatu panggilan yang sebenarnya tidak pernah dia bayangkan seumur hidupnya….Sebagai perempuan miskin dan bodoh…………………….yang kebetulan saja dikaruniai wajah ayu …………..dan di jadikan istri kedua oleh Pak Asyangar…….pak Lurah nya …..yang ganteng berkumis itu.
Berarti….kalau begitu…sudah ada pengakuan dari warga setempat..bahwa sekarang status dirinya adalah “Bu Lurah”…Ahh…benar2 sesuatu yang indah….indah sekali didengarkan……. dan dirasakan di bathin mbak Ranee…dia menyunggingkan senyum terus…senang karena mulai ada pengakuan terhadap status sosialnya dimasyarakat.
Tanpa disadari oleh mbak Ranee, penampilannya yang penuh senyum dan ramah di pasar itu…….., apalagi dengan kebaikannya memberikan jajanan Lopis kepada anak kecil menjadi topik pembicaraan yang hangat dipasar itu…….Hampir semua pedagang di pasar terkesan dengan keramahan mbak Ranee.
Pada awalnya mereka memang menganggap bahwa mbak Ranee adalah perempuan jalang, yang hanya pandai menggaet laki-laki dengan berkedok sebagai penjual / pemilik warung kopi. Bahkan ibu-ibu pun saling mencibir dan mendelik …menaruh rasa curiga terhadap mbak Ranee….sebagai perempuan penggaet suami orang. …….Hanya para pemuda dan bapak2 yang tidak ambil pusing dengan kelakuan ibu2….., bagi mereka mbak Ranee tetap perempuan manis dan ramah seperti yang selama ini mereka kenal …..saat dulu mampir ke warung kopi nya.
Setelah selesai berbelanja,mbak Ranee kemudian pulang.
Saat sampai dirumah, ke dua istri pak Asyangar kemudian bareng2 membongkar belanjaan, “Loh…kok Lopis nya nggak ada dik…?” Tanya Bu Asyangar…
“Aduh maaf mbak..tadi udah kubeli, tapi…… ku kasihkan ke anak kecil …anaknya ibu2 warga kita di pasar tadi, kayaknya kelaparan deh…Tapi gantinya kubelikan Klepon mbak…” kata mbak Ranee memelas.
“ Ya udah nggakpapa dik..Klepon juga kan sama dengan Lopis, bahannya dari ketan, kelapa parut, daun pandan sama gula kelapa cair….yaah…nggak beda jauh….sama2 kenyalnya, sama2 enak’nya, cuma bedanya….kalo Klepon bulet-bulet….kayak punya Bapak.. !!…hihihi…..” Tawa nakal bu Asyangar.
“ Och…gitu ya mbaaak..kalo Klepon kayak punya bapak…..lha kalo Lopisnya…? ” Tanya mbak Ranee dengan tampang bego…
” Lopisnya kayak punya’ mu dik….hihihi …!” balas Bu Asyangar sambil ketawa ngikik….
” Haaah..!!...sudah…sudah….,mbak ini loh…nakal banget siich….sekarang aku tahu maksudnya deh………sebelum dimakan…Klepon enak diemut dulu, kalo Lopis….dijilat gitu kan mbak……….xixixi…auww..! ……..jerit lirih mbak Ranee.
Bu Asyangar : “Aih…aiih….makin pinter aja kamu dik….nunggu bentar lagi deeeh…. Bapak pulang…..hehe.
PS : posting ini di beri label “BO”…… 18+
Kisah2 Pak Asyangar
Aku lahh tu.
Saya, Fatin Nursyahira Bt Muhamad Saad, memang agak pelik.
Separuh pasal aku.
Separuh pasal aku.
- suka monyet ♥
- suka si kerdil
- mengada
- gedik
- manje
- pendek
- suke perhatian
- kuat jeles
- banyak cakap
- peramah
- pemarah
- pemalas
- kuat gelak
- kuat nangis
- penjerit terhebat
- tak suke di komen
- tak suka layan org yang tak penting.
- tak suka bergaya sakan
- pemalu kdg2x
- hipokrit kdg2x
- banyak rahsia
- tak suke dipaksa
- suka menggatal
- senang rimas dgn orang lain.
- diam bila bosan, moody
- mempunyai semangat kawan yg kuat.
- tak suke kawan dimaki
- syg kawan yang terlampau.
- suka kawan baru
- suka memerli tp tak suke diperli
- suka org yang jujur tp tak terlampau jujur smpai sakitkan hati
- suke menyibuk
- suka buat benda pelik yang memalukan orang lain.
- kuat maki bila terlampau bengang
- slalu carik gaduh
- balas dendam senyap-senyap kononnye 'bkn aku yg buat'
- garang
- kuat tidur
- kuat makan
- suka KPOP
- bukan pisau cukur
- Gilakan facebook and blog.
- kurang pengetahuan am
- tak suka politik
- slalu pikir negatif
- kurang matang
- ada metabolisme yang tinggi
- takut serangga, lelaki pelik
- suka si innocent ♥
- orang sombong? boleh blahhh
Shut the fuck up. Seriously? We all know you're faking God damn.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
China Glaze Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower is part of China Glaze's special edition Glitter, Shimmers, and Cremes that came out last year. There are 50-ish polishes in this collection (please correct me if I'm wrong). I do have a bunch, but not nearly all of them. They're still available too!
Meteor Shower has a blue jelly base and TONS of multi-colored, multi-sized and shaped glitter. It's a chunky glitter...I have on two coats of Nubar Diamont in these pictures and you can still see how rough it is.
I'm wearing 2 coats of polish in these images. It's definitely enough coverage, any more and you would start to have major chunky chippage. It's such a fun color, isn't it?
I do want to get more of these, and I'll definitely post them as I do, I'll also have to dig through my stash to see how many other's I have from this collection. The Nailphile has swatched them all and has a nice page dedicated to them as well. Take a look!
Thanks for stopping!
Meteor Shower has a blue jelly base and TONS of multi-colored, multi-sized and shaped glitter. It's a chunky glitter...I have on two coats of Nubar Diamont in these pictures and you can still see how rough it is.
I'm wearing 2 coats of polish in these images. It's definitely enough coverage, any more and you would start to have major chunky chippage. It's such a fun color, isn't it?
I do want to get more of these, and I'll definitely post them as I do, I'll also have to dig through my stash to see how many other's I have from this collection. The Nailphile has swatched them all and has a nice page dedicated to them as well. Take a look!
Thanks for stopping!
China Glaze,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Bieber menawan :)
Hari ni,
Si ummi dgn si Nithiya sebuk sgt nyanyi lagu "baby" from JB.
*excited sgt*
Quest! Quest! Quest!
Kimo : Majalah Quest dahh sampai la. Baru smlm mmpi nak majalah ni.
Ummi : Kite tgk ade lagu ape plak kali ni.
*after received*
Serentak : JUSTIN BIEBER lahhhh!
Ummi : Lagu baby :) Tak saba nak rap.
Kimo : Aduhaiiii =='
Gile kau! Bieber sangat cute ^^
P/s : btw friends, gigi besi yana dahh bertukar mnjadi kaler orange and I LOVE IT.
Yesterday was the day.
"Let makes our relationship serious"
I'm sorry. I can't. I'm waiting for someone else.
"Let makes our relationship serious"
I'm sorry. I can't. I'm waiting for someone else.
Just sorry --.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Nubar Peacock Feathers
Wow...I can't believe it's come the weekends seem so short? DH did good for my birthday...definitely took care of me. He also got me some Nicole by OPI polishes that I'll have to swatch for you all. What a good boy! :)
Peacock Feathers was a long time lemming of mine that I finally fulfilled during the recent Nubar sale. It's actually the first Nubar I've ever tried! It did not disappoint either!!!
Peacock Feathers is a purple-based duochrome. I've always heard that no one does duochrome like Nubar...I believe it too! I really wished my pictures properly captured the awesomeness that is this polish! I tried so hard to capture the green flashes, but I don't think I did a good enough job.
This is 3 coats. This is the polish that I wore during my Zoya Color Lock wear test, so I know that the wear was pretty decent as well.
Thanks for stopping by!
Peacock Feathers was a long time lemming of mine that I finally fulfilled during the recent Nubar sale. It's actually the first Nubar I've ever tried! It did not disappoint either!!!
Peacock Feathers is a purple-based duochrome. I've always heard that no one does duochrome like Nubar...I believe it too! I really wished my pictures properly captured the awesomeness that is this polish! I tried so hard to capture the green flashes, but I don't think I did a good enough job.
This is 3 coats. This is the polish that I wore during my Zoya Color Lock wear test, so I know that the wear was pretty decent as well.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hehh. Penat lahh.
AGAIN ; ditinggalkan. Berjalan kaki lahh aku dr skola balik umah. Dahh la puasa lg. Takpe, kuat! *sume sbb cikgu bg kuar lambat. duhh =='
AGAIN ; ditinggalkan. Berjalan kaki lahh aku dr skola balik umah. Dahh la puasa lg. Takpe, kuat! *sume sbb cikgu bg kuar lambat. duhh =='
Nasib baek umah dekat je. Ikhlas berjalan :)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Selamat pulang semua :(
That day, seronok sangat openhouse smpai tak igt dunia.
Hari tu mcm tade rase pape.
Hari ni, mcm tacing gile bile kau nak blahh.
*kesiannye aku*
Tibe tibe Amirul Ali mesej,
"Aku nak balik dah. Take care. Goodluck SPM n siapkan hw kau."
That day, seronok sangat openhouse smpai tak igt dunia.
Enjoy the day with FINSfamily ♥ |
Hari tu mcm tade rase pape.
Hari ni, mcm tacing gile bile kau nak blahh.
*kesiannye aku*
Tibe tibe Amirul Ali mesej,
"Aku nak balik dah. Take care. Goodluck SPM n siapkan hw kau."
Si kacak, anda memang kacak (!)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Giveaway Winner!
Congrats Nailish Ramblings! picked your to win the Happy Birthday to ME Giveaway!
Thanks again to everyone for entering, following my blog/twitter, and tweeting about the contest. I really appreciate it...hopefully I'll have some stuff to get together for another giveaway sometime...hmmm, maybe one for getting to 200 followers? ;-)
Thanks again, and congrats to the winner!
Thanks again to everyone for entering, following my blog/twitter, and tweeting about the contest. I really appreciate it...hopefully I'll have some stuff to get together for another giveaway sometime...hmmm, maybe one for getting to 200 followers? ;-)
Thanks again, and congrats to the winner!
What a special THANKS.
Hey boo !
Thx byk kat FRIENDS yang dtg beraya kat umah. Aku suke! Sayang korang yang terlampau hebat! HAHA. Walaupun tak ramai, tp boleh la utk tahun ni :) Nicha, Lyna, Faiqah, Ummi, Aux, Zulhelmi, Habib, Aly Alwan. Aku rase ni je. Yg laen, bile nak dtg?
Malas ahh bg korang tgk gamba byk2x. Btw, Zulhelmi and gangs, aku lupe na tgkap gamba korang. Tp, tape la, muke korang sentiasa ade kat kepala hotak aku ^^
Thx byk kat FRIENDS yang dtg beraya kat umah. Aku suke! Sayang korang yang terlampau hebat! HAHA. Walaupun tak ramai, tp boleh la utk tahun ni :) Nicha, Lyna, Faiqah, Ummi, Aux, Zulhelmi, Habib, Aly Alwan. Aku rase ni je. Yg laen, bile nak dtg?
Malas ahh bg korang tgk gamba byk2x. Btw, Zulhelmi and gangs, aku lupe na tgkap gamba korang. Tp, tape la, muke korang sentiasa ade kat kepala hotak aku ^^
Icing Money Talks
Just an update on my giveaway - I'll be drawing a name when I get out of work later and will let you all know who won, and contact the winner! I can't wait to see who won!!!!!
Icing Money Talks was release MANY years ago and I've been wondering why I was just swatching it now!
Money Talks is similar to Wet N Wild Morbid, which I just talk about this week as well. It's a black base with green shimmer...the difference is Morbid has more a pearl look to it, while Money Talk has tiny particles.
This is 4 coats as it's a bit sheer initially. You could always layer it over black, which I may try next time.
Thanks for stopping by ya'll...let my birthday weekend begin! (It's actually on Sunday)! :) Have a great weekend!
Icing Money Talks was release MANY years ago and I've been wondering why I was just swatching it now!
Money Talks is similar to Wet N Wild Morbid, which I just talk about this week as well. It's a black base with green shimmer...the difference is Morbid has more a pearl look to it, while Money Talk has tiny particles.
This is 4 coats as it's a bit sheer initially. You could always layer it over black, which I may try next time.
Thanks for stopping by ya'll...let my birthday weekend begin! (It's actually on Sunday)! :) Have a great weekend!
Pak Asyangar & Lebaran Ketupat
Sore hari dirumah berhalaman luas yang asri itu, tampak Pak Asyangar mengenakan kaus singlet dan celana pendek lagi asik merebus ketupat di halaman belakang sebelah dapur. Sesekali dia menambahkan kayu bakar untuk menjaga api tetap menyala. Tak dihiraukannya asap tebal yang menyelimuti , buat dia…aroma asap inilah kunci dari nikmatnya rasa ketupat yang dia masak.
Sementara itu mbak Ranee dan Bu Asyangar dengan cerianya mengolah daging sapi untuk dimasak Rendang dan sayur sambal goreng sebagai teman makan ketupat.
Tak henti2nya mereka bertiga saling bergurau dan tertawa. Apalagi tingkah mbak Ranee yang begitu centil dan sering kacau saat meracik bumbu menjadi bahan canda mereka bertiga. Sebagai istri yang senior, bu Asyangar terlihat begitu telaten mengajarkan ilmu meracik bumbu dan mengolah masakan kepada mbak Ranee, yuniornya…hehe.
Begitulah suasana suatu sore menjelang lebaran ketupat di rumah keluarga Pak Asyangar………….
Pak Asayangar (PA) : Bu….Rendangnya jangan terlalu pedas yaa….(seru Pa Asyangar sambil membalik ketupat di tungku rebusnya).
Bu Asyangar (BA) : Iya pak…ini cabe nya cuma seperempat kilo aja, digiling kasar kok jadi nggak begitu pedas …(sahut BA sambil mengusap peluh di jidatnya).
Mbak Ranee (R) : Loh…cabe kalo digiling kasar emang nggak terlalu pedas tho mbak…? (Tanya mbak R sambil memasukkan santal kental ).
(BA) : Iya dik….yang pedas justru biji cabe nya…makanya kalo mau lebih pedas…. tinggal di giling halus ajah…gitu looo…..
(R) : Ooo…gituuu……Padahal aku suka yang pedas loh mbak…tapi gakpapa…., ntar tinggal ditambah cabe ulek ajah….
(PA) : (Sambil mengangkat ketupat yg hampir asat airnya) Hoho…cobain nih !…ketupat bikinanku ...pasti mantap…!! ,apalagi di makan sama Rendang…Wow….dijamin top dah…!!
(R) : Iya mas…aromanya ajah udah ketahuan kalo enak banget ketupatnya…Ranee boleh nyicipin ya maass…..(Ranee merayu genit sambil memeluk pundak Pak Asyangar dari belakang….)
(PA) : Boleh…boleh…tapi tunggu Rendangnya matang dong…. Udah matang Bu…Rendangnya..? (sambil meremas pantat mbak Ranee…)
(BA) : Bentar lagi mas…ini udah mulai keluar minyaknya…udah empuk dagingnya…, mau cicip…? Sapa tahu kurang pedas…ntar kurang Hot rasanya…hihihi……(tawa BA sambil ikut2an mencubit paha mbak Ranee…hehe..)
(R) : Aku ajah yang nyicipin ya mbak..!!…pake piring kecil ya mbak….aduuuhh…udah gak tahan nih…laperrr…….(seru mbak Ranee, dengan tampang memelas…)
(BA) : Aih..aih……kamu kok lucu tho dik…..kalo lagi kepengin, kayak anak kecil ajah…nggak bisa diampet…hihihi…
(R) : Aduh abisnya.…aku belum pernah asik masak kayak gini mbak…apalagi masakannya istimewa banget….aduuuhh….perutku keroncongan niiihh….
(PA) : Hahaha… Ranee…ranee…..sabar dikit ‘napa sihhh …nggak bisa ngampet kalo udah napsu…hehe…iya tho Bu….
(BA) : He-eh Pak…persis …ya gitu itu bawaannya …..kalo udah kepengin ya kudu diturutin..xixixi…nggak mau ngalah…maunya duluan……hihihi…..(kata Bu Asyangar sambil melirik ke selangkangan Pak Asyangar).
(R) : Ah mbak ini loh…nyindir ajah…aku kan belum pengalaman kayak mbak…jadi belum bisa ngampet kepenginan-nya…..(sahut mbak Ranee sambil me-melet2kan lidahnya)
(BA) : Hihihi…dik..dik…kalo kamu gitu terus…ntar jadi nggak tahan lama loh….hihihi….cepet dapetnya…padahal bapak belum apa-apa…hihihi….akunya yang kecapekan dik…buat nuntasin…..padahal kan kudunya tugasmu kan.…hihihi…jadi kebalik neh……
(R) : Mmm…gitu ya mbak…berarti akunya yang salah dong…aduuuhh…… maaf…maafin Ranee ya mbak….
(BA) : Gakpapa dik…biasalah…hampir semua perempuan kayak gitu kok…hihihi……
(R) : Kenapa mbak….? Kok hampir semua perempuan gitu…? Gitu apanya mbak….?
(BA) : Ya gitu itu……persis anak kecil….! Yang lagi dapet mainan baru…hihihi…maunya duluan…maunya nomer satu…nggak mau ngalah…hihihi….
(R) : Ahh masa’ siii……duuhh…jadi malu ahh….abiiiiiss …enyak…enyak si mbak ….xixixi…..
(BA) : Naaa…tu kaaan… betul kaannn….kalo soal enak….perempuan nggak pernah mau kalah….hihihi….
(R) : Ahh mbak ini…bisa ajah…..Lha kok mbak nggak gitu…malah banyak ngalahnya kalo sama aku…?…hayooo…..(sahut mbak Ranee sambil mencolek pinggang Bu Asyangar…)
(BA) : Hihihi…dik…dik Ranee….mbak itu udah 14 tahun menang terus…..jadi nggak masyalah kalo sekarang banyak ngalah…..memberi kesempatan pada yang muda…hihihi….malah asik loh…bisa nontonin….hihihi…aw…!
(R) : Iiich…mbak ini loh…..ngaco ahh….jadi malu aku….(jerit lirih mbak Ranee…sambil mengatupkan pahanya).
(PA) : Hahaha…lucunya ….bojo2ku…. Ternyata sama aja ya …laki dengan peremuan…..kalo punya mainan baru ya gitu itu….. Udahan yaa….Ayo kita mandi bareng-bareng yook,.….ketupatku udah siap nih….!...hehe.
Sementara itu mbak Ranee dan Bu Asyangar dengan cerianya mengolah daging sapi untuk dimasak Rendang dan sayur sambal goreng sebagai teman makan ketupat.
Tak henti2nya mereka bertiga saling bergurau dan tertawa. Apalagi tingkah mbak Ranee yang begitu centil dan sering kacau saat meracik bumbu menjadi bahan canda mereka bertiga. Sebagai istri yang senior, bu Asyangar terlihat begitu telaten mengajarkan ilmu meracik bumbu dan mengolah masakan kepada mbak Ranee, yuniornya…hehe.
Begitulah suasana suatu sore menjelang lebaran ketupat di rumah keluarga Pak Asyangar………….
Pak Asayangar (PA) : Bu….Rendangnya jangan terlalu pedas yaa….(seru Pa Asyangar sambil membalik ketupat di tungku rebusnya).
Bu Asyangar (BA) : Iya pak…ini cabe nya cuma seperempat kilo aja, digiling kasar kok jadi nggak begitu pedas …(sahut BA sambil mengusap peluh di jidatnya).
Mbak Ranee (R) : Loh…cabe kalo digiling kasar emang nggak terlalu pedas tho mbak…? (Tanya mbak R sambil memasukkan santal kental ).
(BA) : Iya dik….yang pedas justru biji cabe nya…makanya kalo mau lebih pedas…. tinggal di giling halus ajah…gitu looo…..
(R) : Ooo…gituuu……Padahal aku suka yang pedas loh mbak…tapi gakpapa…., ntar tinggal ditambah cabe ulek ajah….
(PA) : (Sambil mengangkat ketupat yg hampir asat airnya) Hoho…cobain nih !…ketupat bikinanku ...pasti mantap…!! ,apalagi di makan sama Rendang…Wow….dijamin top dah…!!
(R) : Iya mas…aromanya ajah udah ketahuan kalo enak banget ketupatnya…Ranee boleh nyicipin ya maass…..(Ranee merayu genit sambil memeluk pundak Pak Asyangar dari belakang….)
(PA) : Boleh…boleh…tapi tunggu Rendangnya matang dong…. Udah matang Bu…Rendangnya..? (sambil meremas pantat mbak Ranee…)
(BA) : Bentar lagi mas…ini udah mulai keluar minyaknya…udah empuk dagingnya…, mau cicip…? Sapa tahu kurang pedas…ntar kurang Hot rasanya…hihihi……(tawa BA sambil ikut2an mencubit paha mbak Ranee…hehe..)
(R) : Aku ajah yang nyicipin ya mbak..!!…pake piring kecil ya mbak….aduuuhh…udah gak tahan nih…laperrr…….(seru mbak Ranee, dengan tampang memelas…)
(BA) : Aih..aih……kamu kok lucu tho dik…..kalo lagi kepengin, kayak anak kecil ajah…nggak bisa diampet…hihihi…
(R) : Aduh abisnya.…aku belum pernah asik masak kayak gini mbak…apalagi masakannya istimewa banget….aduuuhh….perutku keroncongan niiihh….
(PA) : Hahaha… Ranee…ranee…..sabar dikit ‘napa sihhh …nggak bisa ngampet kalo udah napsu…hehe…iya tho Bu….
(BA) : He-eh Pak…persis …ya gitu itu bawaannya …..kalo udah kepengin ya kudu diturutin..xixixi…nggak mau ngalah…maunya duluan……hihihi…..(kata Bu Asyangar sambil melirik ke selangkangan Pak Asyangar).
(R) : Ah mbak ini loh…nyindir ajah…aku kan belum pengalaman kayak mbak…jadi belum bisa ngampet kepenginan-nya…..(sahut mbak Ranee sambil me-melet2kan lidahnya)
(BA) : Hihihi…dik..dik…kalo kamu gitu terus…ntar jadi nggak tahan lama loh….hihihi….cepet dapetnya…padahal bapak belum apa-apa…hihihi….akunya yang kecapekan dik…buat nuntasin…..padahal kan kudunya tugasmu kan.…hihihi…jadi kebalik neh……
(R) : Mmm…gitu ya mbak…berarti akunya yang salah dong…aduuuhh…… maaf…maafin Ranee ya mbak….
(BA) : Gakpapa dik…biasalah…hampir semua perempuan kayak gitu kok…hihihi……
(R) : Kenapa mbak….? Kok hampir semua perempuan gitu…? Gitu apanya mbak….?
(BA) : Ya gitu itu……persis anak kecil….! Yang lagi dapet mainan baru…hihihi…maunya duluan…maunya nomer satu…nggak mau ngalah…hihihi….
(R) : Ahh masa’ siii……duuhh…jadi malu ahh….abiiiiiss …enyak…enyak si mbak ….xixixi…..
(BA) : Naaa…tu kaaan… betul kaannn….kalo soal enak….perempuan nggak pernah mau kalah….hihihi….
(R) : Ahh mbak ini…bisa ajah…..Lha kok mbak nggak gitu…malah banyak ngalahnya kalo sama aku…?…hayooo…..(sahut mbak Ranee sambil mencolek pinggang Bu Asyangar…)
(BA) : Hihihi…dik…dik Ranee….mbak itu udah 14 tahun menang terus…..jadi nggak masyalah kalo sekarang banyak ngalah…..memberi kesempatan pada yang muda…hihihi….malah asik loh…bisa nontonin….hihihi…aw…!
(R) : Iiich…mbak ini loh…..ngaco ahh….jadi malu aku….(jerit lirih mbak Ranee…sambil mengatupkan pahanya).
(PA) : Hahaha…lucunya ….bojo2ku…. Ternyata sama aja ya …laki dengan peremuan…..kalo punya mainan baru ya gitu itu….. Udahan yaa….Ayo kita mandi bareng-bareng yook,.….ketupatku udah siap nih….!...hehe.
Kisah2 Pak Asyangar
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
China Glaze LOL
WOW!!!!! We're at over 100 followers!!!! I'm so excited you guys...thank you so much for following me and helping my little blog to grow. I'm having so much fun with it!
LOL was released as part of China Glaze's OMG collection in the Spring of 2008. I do believe you can still find *some* of the polishes at certain etailers, but I'm not sure if you can get ALL of them or not. Some of my favorite holo polishes are from this collection...let me show you why.
LOL is a deep purple holo. The holo particles from the OMG collection are so smooth. It's such a neat effect. You can only really see the true brilliance of this under bright lights or out in the sun. Indoors it looks nice, you don't really see the HOLO.
This is 3 coats and my pictures were taken in the sunlight. These dry REALLY quickly, but not to the point where you can't work with them. Make sure you click on the images to get a better view of this!
Well, today is the last day to enter my Happy Birthday to Me Giveaway. There are A LOT of entries, I'll be using to pick the winner...GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ENTERED! And if you haven't entered, you still have until 10pm eastern time tonight. I'll post and notify the winner as soon as I can, hopefully tomorrow, but I have a lot of appointments and meetings after work with Scentsy and such, so I'm not sure!
Have a great day everyone!
LOL was released as part of China Glaze's OMG collection in the Spring of 2008. I do believe you can still find *some* of the polishes at certain etailers, but I'm not sure if you can get ALL of them or not. Some of my favorite holo polishes are from this collection...let me show you why.
LOL is a deep purple holo. The holo particles from the OMG collection are so smooth. It's such a neat effect. You can only really see the true brilliance of this under bright lights or out in the sun. Indoors it looks nice, you don't really see the HOLO.
This is 3 coats and my pictures were taken in the sunlight. These dry REALLY quickly, but not to the point where you can't work with them. Make sure you click on the images to get a better view of this!
Well, today is the last day to enter my Happy Birthday to Me Giveaway. There are A LOT of entries, I'll be using to pick the winner...GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ENTERED! And if you haven't entered, you still have until 10pm eastern time tonight. I'll post and notify the winner as soon as I can, hopefully tomorrow, but I have a lot of appointments and meetings after work with Scentsy and such, so I'm not sure!
Have a great day everyone!
China Glaze,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kau kat sana! Aku tak suke kau.
Apsal kau nak tiru aku?
Aku hebat ke?
Aku kreatif ke?
Aku menarik ke?
Kalau kau bace neh, mesti kau tak terasa kn?
Apsal kau nak tiru aku?
Aku hebat ke?
Aku kreatif ke?
Aku menarik ke?
Kalau kau bace neh, mesti kau tak terasa kn?
I hate stupid people and you are a stupid.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Wet N'Wild Craze: Morbid
When these came out last summer, Scrangie swatched the entire collection on her blog. MADE ME FALL IN LOVE. Of course, most of the time when she swatches something I fall in love. I didn't pick up the entire collection, but I did get most of it. Up until these came out, I hadn't used Wet n Wild polish since I was a teenager...a LOOOOONG time ago.
Morbid is a black polish with teal shimmer. I wish I could pick up the color of the shimmer better than I's there though, I promise.
Application was great, these pictures show 3 coats. Smooth and quite well pigmented. I never did pick up the Craze that came out this past summer. First of all, I never even spotted them in my smallish town until about a month ago. Second of all, while I thought they were pretty...they also seemed like colors that I already have.
I do believe you can still get Morbid, even though it came out last year. The last time I was at my Rite-Aid, they were still there.
Remember to enter my Happy Birthday to Me Giveaway! It ends on Wednesday!!!! Thank you to everyone who has already entered!
Morbid is a black polish with teal shimmer. I wish I could pick up the color of the shimmer better than I's there though, I promise.
Application was great, these pictures show 3 coats. Smooth and quite well pigmented. I never did pick up the Craze that came out this past summer. First of all, I never even spotted them in my smallish town until about a month ago. Second of all, while I thought they were pretty...they also seemed like colors that I already have.
I do believe you can still get Morbid, even though it came out last year. The last time I was at my Rite-Aid, they were still there.
Remember to enter my Happy Birthday to Me Giveaway! It ends on Wednesday!!!! Thank you to everyone who has already entered!
Wet N Wild
Raya ohh raya !
Ramadhan tamat.
Aku mesti rindu bazar ramadhan, bebuka sama2x, coconut cocktail, mango jelly. OMG! I'll miss all that things :(
Syawal tiba,
What a Supergreat eid. FUN! *speechless* grr. haha. Malam raya, celebrating MakLong's birthday. And of coz mine's too :D potong kek, tangkap gmba. *malumalu* tiap2x taun raya pun, msti celebrate bday aku. Bnyi mercun berlawan lawan. Sakit telinga aku lahh!
Syawal 1,
Sembahyang raya pertama dlm hidup aku. Tibetibe teringin. Sebab, ustazah ckp,
"Lepas sembahyang raya tu, semua dosa kamu tu terhapus. Mcm bayi yg baru dilahirkan"
Tu yg membuatkan aku teringin tuu. Yelah, dosa berkilo-kilo =='
After solat, breakfast then salam2. Bg duit raya sume :) Tangkap gmba juga.
Then, pegi rumah terbuka Yamtuan Negeri Sembilan Kat Istana Seri Menanti. First time masuk situ, da mcm kambing masuk kota. Huhahuha. Mkn sedap sedap. Beratur bagai nak rak semata mata na dpt duit raya. Smpai giliran je, duit raya dahh habis. Bazir.. Bazir.. BUT, watever it is, I met my putera idaman kat situu. Haaaaaa! Segak! Yg tengah tuuuu :))
Okayy, after that, meet BISO BONAAA! Hattan si baju Orange :D
Ouhh yes! Sgt excited pd Syawal 1.
Syawal 2,
melawat kubur :( nanges nanges nanges. TAMAT.
Balik umah. penat.
Syawal 3,
Pangkor mariiiiiii! Meet cuzzies. Makan kat Makngah punye kafeteria :) sedap sdap sedap.
Aku mesti rindu bazar ramadhan, bebuka sama2x, coconut cocktail, mango jelly. OMG! I'll miss all that things :(
Syawal tiba,
What a Supergreat eid. FUN! *speechless* grr. haha. Malam raya, celebrating MakLong's birthday. And of coz mine's too :D potong kek, tangkap gmba. *malumalu* tiap2x taun raya pun, msti celebrate bday aku. Bnyi mercun berlawan lawan. Sakit telinga aku lahh!
Syawal 1,
Sembahyang raya pertama dlm hidup aku. Tibetibe teringin. Sebab, ustazah ckp,
"Lepas sembahyang raya tu, semua dosa kamu tu terhapus. Mcm bayi yg baru dilahirkan"
Tu yg membuatkan aku teringin tuu. Yelah, dosa berkilo-kilo =='
After solat, breakfast then salam2. Bg duit raya sume :) Tangkap gmba juga.
Then, pegi rumah terbuka Yamtuan Negeri Sembilan Kat Istana Seri Menanti. First time masuk situ, da mcm kambing masuk kota. Huhahuha. Mkn sedap sedap. Beratur bagai nak rak semata mata na dpt duit raya. Smpai giliran je, duit raya dahh habis. Bazir.. Bazir.. BUT, watever it is, I met my putera idaman kat situu. Haaaaaa! Segak! Yg tengah tuuuu :))
Okayy, after that, meet BISO BONAAA! Hattan si baju Orange :D
Ouhh yes! Sgt excited pd Syawal 1.
Syawal 2,
melawat kubur :( nanges nanges nanges. TAMAT.
Balik umah. penat.
Syawal 3,
Pangkor mariiiiiii! Meet cuzzies. Makan kat Makngah punye kafeteria :) sedap sdap sedap.
Pak Asyangar dan “mainan “ barunya.
Sambil tersenyum sendiri, Pak Asyangar matanya terpejam mengenang perjalanan mudik lebaran kemarin. Memang rezeki tak dapat di tebak kapan datangnya, walaupun dapat diperkirakan nominalnya…hehe…
Rencananya berlebaran berboncengan bertiga bersama ke dua istrinya ternyata batal, bukan karena motor dinas nya, Honda GL Pro pelat merah nya ngadat…., tapi gantinya adalah sebuah mobil MPV baru, gres dari dealer. Masih lekat diingatannya betapa girangnya ke dua istri tercintanya sewaktu mobil tersebut dengan pelat nomor putihnya,diantar oleh sopir dealer memasuki halaman rumah mereka. Mbak Ranee tak henti2nya menebar senyum dan tawa ceria…dielus-elusnya sekujur body mobil tersebut, sambil memuji-muji kalau itulah mobil tercantik sedunia..hahaha….Sedangkan Bu Asyangar tampak lebih kalem,namun tak dapat menyembunyikan kekagumannya menyaksikan mobil pertama mereka. Tak henti-hentinya Bu asyangar dan Mbak Ranee memuji-muji dan mengagumi mobil tersebut. Pak Asyangar begitu senang menyaksikan keceriaan sore hari itu, 5 hari sebelum lebaran tiba.
Pak Asyangar memang sebelumnya tak pernah memberitahukan kepada kedua istrinya kalau dia sebenarnya baru saja mendapat rezeki nomplok, dia baru saja menjual tanah miliknya seluas 2000 meter persegi. Tanah itu dibelinya 15 tahun yang lalu dengan harga “20 juta rupiah”. Sekarang ternyata lokasi tanah yang dibelinya menjadi lokasi perluasan kota kabupaten, dan seorang developer kelas kakap membelinya untuk memperluas lahan perumahan yang akan dibangunnya. Pucuk di cinta ulam tiba, harga yang disepakai ternyata jauh lebih tinggi dari perkiraan Pak Asyangar. Bahkan lebih dari cukup untuk membeli sebuah MPV dari Jepang dengan huruf “H” di moncongnya.
Sayup-sayup di dengarnya suara2 dari arah dapur…ahh…pasti kedua istrinya lagi asyik ngrumpi di dapur…hehe…
Bu Asyangar (BA) : Dik Ranee…tuh lihat….bapak lagi asyik melamun di luar….
Mbak Ranee (R) : he-eh mbak….kayaknya lagi asyik banget yah…kita gangguin yuk…
BA : Jangaaan….biarin ajah…kasihan…biar rileks dulu, kemaren kan capek banget dia nyetir mobil…, macet dimana-mana….
R : Ahh…kan mobilnya matic mbak…nggak ada capeknya…lagian bapak keliatan seneng banget nyetir itu mobil…maunya pergiiii terus…..kayaknya nggak puas2nya deh nyetir itu mobil.
BA : Yah anggap aja dia lagi dapet mainan baru dik…biasalah kalo laki2 emang gitu….xixixi….
R : emang kenapa mbak…?
BA : kayak anak kecil….! Yang baru dapet mainan baru…hihihi…sampe lupa makan, lupa mandi, bahkan lupa tidur segala…maunya maiiiiinn terusss……
R : Ooo….gitu ya mbak…laki2 emang gitu tho…kalo udah punya “mainan” baru terus nglupain mainan yang lama…? Waduuuh….gimana nih mbak…aku udah nggak tahaaann nih…xixixi….aw..!
BA : Naaa…kaann…akhirnya dik Ranee ngrasa..kalo laki2 emang gitu…pembosan…hihihi….jangan kaget ya, ntar sampe se-bulan dia baru “nyentuh” kamu…hihihi..
R : Ahh…aku nggak mau…nggak mau..!!, mending mobilnya dikembaliin ajah…!!, aku nggak mau bapak lebih perhatian sama mobilnya….aku sama mbak kan juga butuh perhatian…butuh dielus-elus…iya kan mbaaakkk…?
BA : Sabar…sabar…ntar juga kan dia bosan sama mobil barunya…kalo nggak berarti apes deh kita…hihihi….
R : iichh..sebel ..sebel bangetz ach…..
Pak Asyangar tertawa geli, nguping pembicaraan kedua istrinya….hehe…” dasar istri2 genit…kayak nggak tahu aja sih..itu mobil kan buat kalian juga….buat kita bersama…”. Pak Ayangar kemudian menyulut sebatang rokok LA menthol kesayangannya…di sebulnya asap rokok membentuk bulatan2 donat keatas…sambil berkata lirih….” Mobil jaman sekarang canggih-canggih, praktis nggak perlu ngoper2 perseneling lagi, enak saat pelan ato ngebut, irit bensin, lebih aman, nyaman di tumpak’I, remnya nggigit dan anti selip, nggak mau2in dibawa kemana aja…nilai jual bekasnya juga tinggi buat ambil yang baru"........
"Sama seperti istri2ku…..Canggih…praktis, enak saat pelan ato saat ngebut, irit, aman dan nyaman dinaikin…nggigit….dan nggak malu2in dibawa kemana-mana…dan nilai jual bekasnya tetap tinggi buat dituker yang baru .....hehe".
Kisah2 Pak Asyangar
Friday, September 10, 2010
Zoya Color Lock System Test
Recently, I won the Zoya Color Lock System giveaway hosted by Pretty In Dayton. I wanted to use the system up against my normal base coat/top coat combo of Salon Sciences Fiberglass Network and Nubar Diamont. I have been getting great wear from this combo...usually at least 4-5 days with nothing more than tip wear. Now, up until the time when I did this test I have only been using Diamont for a few weeks. It's a great topcoat to use for this, because unlike my former HG (Seche Vite) it doesn't bubble like a bitch with Zoya nail polish.
For the first stage of my test, I used a non-Zoya color. (You can tell I'm a science person). I used Nubar Peacock Feathers. On my index/ring fingers my Diamont/Fiberglass Network combo were used and on my middle/pinky fingers Zoya Anchor and Armor were used.
In the Day 1 image, for some reason it already looks like some nails were chipping...they weren't. I think that's some sort of reflection.
As you can see, there wasn't a terrible difference between the two combo's with the Nubar polish. There is a small chip on my index finger, besides the tip wear...but it was pretty much even. My pinky looks REALLY good, but usually my pinky nails don't chip.
The second stage of my test was done using Zoya Raven. I used the same set up: On my index/ring fingers my Diamont/Fiberglass Network combo were used and on my middle/pinky fingers Zoya Anchor and Armor were used.
Now, let me explain something about the day 5 picture. I dropped something on my middle finger, RIGHT before taking the image, so a bit of polish chipped off. I was REALLY irritated because in my opinion the test showed some REALLY interesting results with the Zoya polish. The fingers using color lock (middle and pinky) had a bit of tip wear and that was it. My index finger had the Fiberglass Network/Diamont combo and was terrible looking.
The result? With non-Zoya nail polish, the Color Lock System gives me the same result as my normal combo. With Zoya nail polish, the Color Lock System is HANDS DOWN the way to go. They are formulated to work together, so it just makes sense.
Do you agree? Do you think I should try this again using a different top coat? Seche will bubble (at least in my experience), so what do you recommend?
Thanks for stopping by!
For the first stage of my test, I used a non-Zoya color. (You can tell I'm a science person). I used Nubar Peacock Feathers. On my index/ring fingers my Diamont/Fiberglass Network combo were used and on my middle/pinky fingers Zoya Anchor and Armor were used.
Day 1 |
Day 5 |
As you can see, there wasn't a terrible difference between the two combo's with the Nubar polish. There is a small chip on my index finger, besides the tip wear...but it was pretty much even. My pinky looks REALLY good, but usually my pinky nails don't chip.
The second stage of my test was done using Zoya Raven. I used the same set up: On my index/ring fingers my Diamont/Fiberglass Network combo were used and on my middle/pinky fingers Zoya Anchor and Armor were used.
Day 1 |
Day 5 |
The result? With non-Zoya nail polish, the Color Lock System gives me the same result as my normal combo. With Zoya nail polish, the Color Lock System is HANDS DOWN the way to go. They are formulated to work together, so it just makes sense.
Do you agree? Do you think I should try this again using a different top coat? Seche will bubble (at least in my experience), so what do you recommend?
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Orly Cosmic FX
I know that this collection has been posted everywhere at this point, but I still wanted to post it as well. I debated whether or not to get this set for awhile. I heard about dupes and whatnot, but I also knew that I only had a couple of the "dupes". Speaking of dupes, there have been plenty of blog posts dealing with comparisons. Scrangie and Magic Maid both had great posts, and I'm sure there are plenty more out there.
There colors are so complex and I'm not sure my pictures really do them justice! Orly touts this collection as being infused with crystals, which is where the multi-dimensional shimmer comes from.
It's Not Rocket Science
It's Not Rocket Science is a mossy green infused with gold and green particles. I've seen some blogs comparing this to China Glaze Zombie Fest from the the Awakening collection. I honestly haven't swatched it yet, so I can't comment on that. I really like this's a little odd initially, but it grew on me.
Halley's Comet
I wish my pictures did this justice. I couldn't seem to capture the gold/green shimmer in it. From what I'm gathering around the blogger-verse, Halley's Comet is the most disappointing of this collection just because we've seen this color from a couple of different brands. It's pretty much a dead on dupe for OPI Catch Me In Your Net (which I don't have) and REALLY close to Zoya Charla (which I do have). If you want me to do a side by side comparison of Halley's Comet and Charla, let me know!
Out of This World
Out of This World is a dark purple with a green/gold flash of shimmer. It's really pretty, but I guess it's comparable with Zoya Julianne, which I don't have yet. Styrch has a great picture showing them together.
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse is a vibrant blue with a pink/purple duochrome flash to it. It's definitely a "me" color! I've seen some talk about it being pretty dupe-ish to Sally Hansen Laser. I'm looking at the two bottles side by side right now, and I think Lunar Eclipse looks a *bit* darker in the bottle...DH agrees and he's a guy! I also think the particles are a bit bigger in Laser. If you'd like me to do a side by side of these two, please let me know!
Galaxy Girl
I LOOOOOVE this polish. It's my second favorite. It's so complex and interesting. The base color is a red/purple with a purple and turquoise shimmer. It's so neat looking and I couldn't stop looking at it.
Space Cadet
First of all, excuse the ink mark on my pinky. I took this picture after our first day back at school! I definitely think that Space Cadet is the star here. It totally embodies the duochrome properties that this collection boasts. It flashes between pink to purple to green. People comment that they think I'm wearing a couple different colors because my nails look different every time they see me. Love it! I think my pictures do a pretty good job at capturing the duochrome...I'm actually pretty proud of these!
Well, that's my take on the Cosmic FX collection. All in all, I'm not dissappointed at all in it and I'm really glad I got it. If you have the dupes you'd have to evaluate what you want to do, but I'm a collector and pretty much had to get it!
Have a great Wednesday, and don't forget to enter my Happy Birthday to ME Giveaway...You only have a week left!
There colors are so complex and I'm not sure my pictures really do them justice! Orly touts this collection as being infused with crystals, which is where the multi-dimensional shimmer comes from.
It's Not Rocket Science
It's Not Rocket Science is a mossy green infused with gold and green particles. I've seen some blogs comparing this to China Glaze Zombie Fest from the the Awakening collection. I honestly haven't swatched it yet, so I can't comment on that. I really like this's a little odd initially, but it grew on me.
Halley's Comet
I wish my pictures did this justice. I couldn't seem to capture the gold/green shimmer in it. From what I'm gathering around the blogger-verse, Halley's Comet is the most disappointing of this collection just because we've seen this color from a couple of different brands. It's pretty much a dead on dupe for OPI Catch Me In Your Net (which I don't have) and REALLY close to Zoya Charla (which I do have). If you want me to do a side by side comparison of Halley's Comet and Charla, let me know!
Out of This World
Out of This World is a dark purple with a green/gold flash of shimmer. It's really pretty, but I guess it's comparable with Zoya Julianne, which I don't have yet. Styrch has a great picture showing them together.
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse is a vibrant blue with a pink/purple duochrome flash to it. It's definitely a "me" color! I've seen some talk about it being pretty dupe-ish to Sally Hansen Laser. I'm looking at the two bottles side by side right now, and I think Lunar Eclipse looks a *bit* darker in the bottle...DH agrees and he's a guy! I also think the particles are a bit bigger in Laser. If you'd like me to do a side by side of these two, please let me know!
Galaxy Girl
I LOOOOOVE this polish. It's my second favorite. It's so complex and interesting. The base color is a red/purple with a purple and turquoise shimmer. It's so neat looking and I couldn't stop looking at it.
Space Cadet
First of all, excuse the ink mark on my pinky. I took this picture after our first day back at school! I definitely think that Space Cadet is the star here. It totally embodies the duochrome properties that this collection boasts. It flashes between pink to purple to green. People comment that they think I'm wearing a couple different colors because my nails look different every time they see me. Love it! I think my pictures do a pretty good job at capturing the duochrome...I'm actually pretty proud of these!
Well, that's my take on the Cosmic FX collection. All in all, I'm not dissappointed at all in it and I'm really glad I got it. If you have the dupes you'd have to evaluate what you want to do, but I'm a collector and pretty much had to get it!
Have a great Wednesday, and don't forget to enter my Happy Birthday to ME Giveaway...You only have a week left!
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